Ik heb twee schattige Bull Terrier-puppy's voor. De Bull Terrier-puppy's zijn op de hoogte van hun vaccinaties en de dierenarts wordt geleverd met alle benodigde documenten.
Whatsapp/Viber: +32460247480
Healthy male and female Maltese puppies for sale We have three healthy white Maltese puppies for sale. They are very beautiful, 12 weeks old, will be 7-8 pounds fully grown. The puppies are friendly and enjoy being with children and other ...
Super cute French bulldog puppies for sale I currently have a litter of purebred French bulldog puppies. I have a male and a female. They come home with their 1st set of vaccines, health certificate and are wormed every 12 weeks until they ...
Twee knappe KC-geregistreerde speelgoedpoedels. Beide ouders zijn uitgebreid getest op gezondheid, duidelijk uit huisdiergenetica. Elke puppy is KC-geregistreerd met een stamboom van 5 generaties. Ze zullen door een dierenarts worden ...
Healthy Pug puppies with excellent pedigrees. Two girls and two boys. All grew up in the same house. Very outgoing and confident dogs, used to all household noises and raised around children. WHATSAPP +48 732 231 905VIBER +48 459 053 579
Lid sinds: 12, Dec, 2022
1025GH sanya 32 1025 GH Amsterdam
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