Healthy pug puppies with excellent pedigrees.
Two girls and two boys. All grew up in the same house. Very outgoing and confident dogs, used to all domestic noises and raised around children. WHATSAPP/VIBER +48732104754
Gezonde Cavalier king Charls-puppy'sGezonde en speelse 8 weken oude Dalmatische puppy's klaar. Deze puppy's zijn door dierenarts gecontroleerd, gevaccineerd en ontwormd. Gekweekt uit KUSA geregistreerde ouders met fantastische ...
Teacup Pomeranian puppies for sale. Available Sweet, affectionate and intelligent Teacup Pomeranian puppies. These make great pets and are good with children. Now ready for a good new home. Up to date with vaccinations and dewormed. ...
Schattige puppy's van PommerenLekker en gezond! Dierenarts gecontroleerd, actueel op shots/wormen en gechipt. Prachtig karakter en uitstekende pedigree.Whatsapp/Viber +48785742139
Healthy male and female Maltese puppies for sale We have three healthy white Maltese puppies for sale. They are very beautiful, 12 weeks old. The puppies are friendly and love to be with children and other dogs. WHATSAPP/VIBER +48732104754
Lid sinds: 16, Dec, 2022
2312 Leiden
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